Paint Thickness Measurement


Paint Thickness Measurement
By Stephanie Hetu

What is paint thickness measure? Why measure the paint thickness? May be asking another question would help answer these questions - Why do you paint at all? Now, we are are aware of the usual answers such as to protect the substrate from corrosion, to make the product appealing to the eye, to make the product blend into the background or to provide a surface finish which is part of the functionality of the product.

What ever the answer is, painting a product involves cost and cost means expense. The first time around itself it is costly, not to mention the cost you would incur if you get it wrong! It can be anything, excess paint can cause the coating to crack as it dries, or if you paint a small amount then the paint may not be adequate to adequately coat the object and will require re-painting. The ability to paint thickness measurement would aid in cost saving.

Which ever way you look at it, profits will be influenced. And we are still not discussing the actual condition and functioning of the painting. This explains why paint thickness measurement is perhaps the most significant measurement that is administrated during the coatings process.

The first Elcometer gauge for paint thickness measurement was patented and introduced to the marketplace more than 60 years ago. For that reason Elcometer gauges are considered the industry’s best and that perhaps explain why it has the widest range of paint thickness gauges in the world.

You can save up to 70% of the cost of putting paint on an object, depending up on the placement of the painter. The closer the painter better saving you would have. The correct amount of wet film is applied to meet the dry film thickness specification, if the volume to solids ratio of the coating is known.

A powder coating has numerous benefits greater than a wet coating system, to put it exactly, there almost no wastage as any of the excess powder or over sprayed powder can be recycled and reused. And as there is no use of solvents you can administer tighter environmental controls of VOC emissions and legislation. Measuring the thickness of powder however, is difficult as touching it changes the powder thickness compressing it under the force.

Elcometer offers range of most sophisticated paint thickness measurement such as the simplest 'pencil-type' gauge and the non-destructive to destructive gauge.

Get more information about gauge and home improvement at

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At 11:53 PM, Anonymous home improvement said...

thx for your info


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